Geeklama Inc.
3 min readSep 2, 2020


Coding for kids: How to introduce your kids to coding

Coding has become a fundamental digital skill that is best learned at a young age. It is a perfect fit for kids because they are naturally curious, very imaginative, and eager to make things. It is no surprise how quickly it is for kids to enjoy coding. They can use it to make magic!

If you think of the many benefits of coding, the only question you should be asking is, “how do I get my kids started?”

How to Introduce Your Kids to Coding

Are you ready to get your kids started with coding, or have you been thinking about it? Here are 6 actionable steps you can take to introduce your kids to coding:

Talk To Your Kids About the Importance of Coding

You should let your kids know why you want to introduce them to coding. Get their buy-in so that they can enjoy the process. Show them examples of what they can do and achieve with the skill. You could help them see the link between their interests and coding. Are your kids interested in fashion? Tell them about the fashion tech world where brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Prada are partnering with tech companies to digitize physical clothing and accessory designs.

Find Resources That They Can Use To Learn

Buy coding for kids’ books or toys, or download coding for kids’ apps or games. They are quick ways to spark their interest and get them started. Check your App Store or Google Play store, and you will find several coding for kids’ games and apps. Be sure to check the reviews before you make any downloads or purchases. Read this article on the best coding tools for kids for our recommendations.

But, we’ll advise that you find an excellent tutor to go with the resources for a better learning experience.

Find a Good Coding School or Class to Accelerate Learning

There are several online coding classes, schools, and bootcamps for kids. Want something offline? You can find coding schools or bootcamps near you by searching online. Some of the classes are free while the paid classes cost $250 – $800.

What to consider before paying or enrolling in a coding class/school/bootcamp:

  • The programming language they teach and their curriculum development.
  • The qualifications of the tutors – tutors should be competent and inspiring.
  • The teaching method – coding for kids should be exciting to keep them interested and engaged longer.
  • The students to tutor ratio – smaller groups are preferable because it gives room for individual attention and teamwork.
  • Parents’ and students’ feedback and reviews (Check ours here).

Provide a Device for Practice

Your kids will need a laptop with an internet connection to start learning. If you are not ready to buy gadgets for your kids, you could buy a laptop that will only be used for coding activities. Any laptop brand will work. For the classes, you will need a laptop with a WebCam.

Schedule Coding Activities

Set a schedule for them that infuses coding activities throughout the week. The more they practice, the better they become. It is easier when they are enrolled in a coding class because they will most likely have classes every week.

Be Involved

There is nothing that propels kids to learn faster like learning with others, especially with a parent. You don’t have to sit through their classes or engage in any coding activity. These are other ways to get involved:

  • Ask about their progress, assignments, and classes.
  • Be excited and supportive when they share their projects.
  • Give them challenges that will keep them creating.
  • Encourage them to keep learning.

Starting a coding journey might seem daunting, but it does not have to be. There are many resources to help you through the journey. Learning how to code is worth the time and investment.

Contact us now and get a personalized course recommendation and pathway to coding mastery.



Geeklama Inc.

Live online coding school for K-12 with real engineers